Northern Kentucky's Consignment Tack Shop
Located in Union, Kentucky
Phone: 859.379.8119
Check out our Facebook Page
Hours: Thur 1:30-6:30 PM Fri 1:30-6:30 PM Sat 12-5 PM Sun 12-5 PM
And By Appointment 7 Days A Week!

What we consign
Second Look Saddlery LLC accepts equine related items from all disciplines, including: English, Western, Dressage, Hunter/Jumper, saddles, bridles, bits, blankets, books, horse themed home decor, riding clothing, lightly used jackets, show shirts, paddock boots, field boots, dress boots, breeches, jodhpurs, chaps, half chaps, schooling wear. All items will be inspected by our staff and consigned based on our experience of marketablity of items. Second Look Saddlery LLC may refuse any item(s).
Saddle consignment : Saddles that sell for over $500 the split is 30% (Second Look Saddlery LLC ) 70% (Consignor) ; Saddles that sell for under $500 the split is 35% (Second Look Saddlery LLC ) 65% (Consignor) ALL other items are a 50/50 split. NO membership fee or annual fee charged.
Merchandise must be:
New or gently worn/used item
Clean (no mud on tack, blankets or boots)
Clothing in good condition (laundered, no rips, tears or major stains)
Clothing must be in season and in style to be marketable
Items not in good and clean condition will not be accepted for consignment.
We do not accept items such as tools, truck/trailer parts, used helmets, safety vests or camping items.
We do research on every piece and price them according to what the market will bear. All prices are set at our discretion. Keep in mind that on average most new items depreciate 50% of their initial value the moment you walk out of the store... that's before wearing or using the item! The resale value does depend on the brand and type of item.
Items (except for saddles) are held for 4 months (120 days) after which items that have not sold may be picked up (10 day grace period) if items are not picked up during this grace period they become the property of SLS and may be subject to discount pricing or donation to charity for which Second Look Saddlery LLC receives all monetary benefits.
Saddles may be consigned for 1 year
Use by Prospective Buyers – Normal Wear & Tear –
Consignor also understands that in order for Second Look Saddlery LLC to sell any consigned item(s), it may be necessary to allow it to be used & tested off the store premises by horse and/or rider before it can be sold, & that Second Look Saddlery LLC is authorized by you the Consignor to allow such off site use & testing, for a period not to exceed two (2) days. To protect both Consignor and Second Look Saddlery LLC and insure the return of item(s) to the store after the testing period, a verified credit card will be completed. Second Look Saddlery LLC will not be held responsible for the normal wear & tear of any item(s) left in the store, which are to be sold on consignment. Second Look Saddlery LLC is not responsible for any normal wear & tear, which results from that usage or testing by the potential customer during said period. Items may be covered under your homeowners insurance policy.
Saddle Trial Policy /Additional trial terms:
You have 48 hours to make a decision to purchase. If we are not contacted by the end of trial perid, your sale will become final and no refunds will be given.
You are responsible for any damage done to the saddle while you have it on trial. If the saddle returns with any damage, your refund will be deducted based on repair cost or excessive wear or damage accordingly, plus depreciation.
Only one saddle may be taken out for a trial use at one time.
Credit card information will be collected in the amount due for each item.
Trial period ends by the end of the second day.
Upon return, items will be closely inspected for damage. If damaged, customer will be required to purchase said item(s).
Store saddle INSIDE your HOME (not in your garage, car, tack trunk, trailer, etc.) away from pets and smoke.
Second Look Saddlery LLC Does Not Warrant or Guarantee Any Used Saddles. Please have a professional inspect your saddle prior to you making a final decision to purchase.
Maintaining the Condition of Consigned Property
Second Look Saddlery LLC shall have no obligation or responsibility for maintaining the condition of consigned item(s) while they remain unsold. Specifically, consignor understands & accepts that because most consigned items are in a previously used condition, if left unsold for any length of time, may become less sellable or even unsellable, for any number of reasons, through no fault of Second Look Saddlery LLC. During the term of this Agreement, if an item becomes worn, dried, cracked or broken, so as to make it unsellable, that condition IF discovered, will be brought to the attention of consignor. In the event of either happening, Second Look Saddlery LLC will not be liable or responsible for those items, & no payment or other compensation to consignor will be made by Second Look Saddlery LLC.
During the term of this Agreement, Second Look Saddlery LLC, will use its best efforts to sell all consigned items on behalf of consignor but shall only be required to contact consignor in the event an offer is made on a consigned saddle for less than the listed & agreed upon selling price. Verbal or email acceptance of lower price is acceptable. All sales will be paid for by cash or credit card.
Second Look Saddlery LLC . The Consignor agrees not to hold Second Look Saddlery LLC responsible or liable for consigned items that are damaged or destroyed as a result of fire, flood, weather event or events outside the control of Second Look Saddlery LLC. Items are consigned at the risk of the Consignor.
Return Policy
All sales are final
(We will be happy to consign your item for you!)